Santa Croce Venice


Santa Croce和San Polo区共用一个名字:Luprio。这个名字来自于这样一个事实:圣克罗齐和圣波罗是沼泽地,有狼等危险动物出没。经过各种开垦,沼泽地成为菜园和葡萄园的空间。今天,该地区的名字来自于圣克罗齐教堂,由于被拿破仑的军队摧毁,现在已经看不到了。 该地区分为两部分。东部是老城区,西部主要在20世纪开发。 在这里,威尼斯的历史与狭窄的街道和现代的罗马广场、自由之桥和人工岛Tronchetto共存。罗马广场(Piazzale Roma)和特隆凯托(Tronchetto)是唯一允许车辆进入的区域,所以当你访问威尼斯时,请记住这一点。

圣克罗切(Santa Croce)是一个由狭窄的街道和小巷组成的城市,但也有大运河上的历史性宫殿。社会生活的中心是Campo San Giacomo dall'Orio,它有古老的哥特式-拜占庭式教堂和钟楼。特别值得注意的是威尼斯巴洛克风格的卡佩萨罗,它是现代艺术的永久画廊。在塞斯特里耶尔的另一站是托伦蒂诺的圣尼古拉教堂。虽然这里是游客最少的地区,但你会发现美丽的景点,如Fondaco dei Turchi和横跨大运河的Ponte degli Scalzi。

即使你偏离了传统的行程,威尼斯的每一个角落都有很多东西可以提供。圣克罗切(Santa Croce)有很多特色和拥挤的小巷。在这里,除了了解威尼斯之外,你还可以体验到真正的现代威尼斯人的生活方式。


Santa Croce is one of the six sestieri (districts) in historical Venice. It's located in the northwestern part of the city. If you want to arrive in Venice by road, you have to pass through this sestiere. It's known for being a bit off-the-beaten-path compared to other areas. Thus it offers a more local vibe. Santa Croce has a good variety of eating options, depending on what you're looking for. Santa Croce provides a nice mix of history, local culture, and some hidden gems for art lovers.

Santa Croce Historic Information

In old times, the sestieri Santa Croce and San Polo together were known as a single area called Luprio. The name came from the fact that these areas were marshy areas, full of dangerous animals such as wolves. During the 10th century, the Venetians undertook land reclamation projects. This led to solidify the islands. They also created a more extensive network of canals. This process eventually led to the separation of Luprio into the distinct sestieri of San Polo and Santa Croce that we know today. After various reclamations, the marshes became vegetable gardens and vineyards.

The present sestiere takes its name from the church of Santa Croce. This church is no longer visible as Napoleon's troops destroyed it. This sestiere is divided into two parts. The eastern part is the old part. This area is rich in history and features many medieval structures. The western part was developed mainly in the 20th century. This part includes the Piazzale Roma, a large square that acts as Venice's bus terminal. It's also where you'll find the Tronchetto, a man-made island that serves as a parking lot for cars and buses.

Santa Croce is located in the western part of Venice. It is bordered by the Grand Canal to the north, San Polo to the east and the Dorsoduro district to the south. It is easy access from major transportation hubs. Piazzale Roma itself within this sestiere. and the Santa Lucia train station.