Palazzo Cini gallery

+39 041 2411281
Wednesday to Monday from 11am to 7pm
Campo San Vio 864, Dorsoduro 30123 Venice

The Palazzo Cini is one of the greatest Venice house museums. The 16th-century Gothic palace attracts visitors with its looks and remarkable art collection. At Palazzo Cini, you'll find the collection of a famous philanthropist, Vittorio Cini

How do I get to the Palazzo Cini Museum Venice?

Palazzo Cini stands in Dorsoduro. It is halfway between the Accademia Gallery and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Two of the building's facades overlook the Grand Canal and Rio San Vio. The closest vaporetto stop is Accademia, easily found on the veniceXplorer Venice map

If you want to get the full experience of Venice magic, consider purchasing the Venice City Pass

What is the history of the Palazzo Cini Museum?

The building of Palazzo Cini emerged in 1565. It was a grand Gothic-style palace decorated with frescoes of works by Giuseppe Porta. Its location was lucrative, and many notable Venetians have lived here over the centuries. 

Count Vittorio Cini, an Italian politician and entrepreneur, was the last one to purchase the palace. He was a well-known Italian collector who restored San Giorgio Maggiore from 1951-1956. Vittorio Cini, the founder of the Cini Foundation, was also a member of the Italian Fascist Party. 

Click History of Venice to learn about the history of Venice

Why you should visit Palazzo Cini Museum?

The museum of Palazzo Cini takes up two floors of the building. The first floor honors Vittorio Cini and gives you a glimpse of his residence at the time. The second floor features the main collection, which started in 1984. 

Here you will find incredible works of art, books, manuscripts, porcelain, and furniture. Inside Palazzo Cini, you'll see Tuscan paintings and objects from the 13th to 16th centuries. 

There are works by Botticelli, Piero di Cosimo, Piero della Francesca, Filippo Lippi, and Beato Angelico. Don't miss the fascinating canvases by Lorenzo Tiepolo. An extraordinary part of the collection is the Ferrarese Renaissance paintings, added to Palazzo Cini in 1989.

If you are interested in Venetian art then see our page Venice art Tours

Things to do in the area

Dorsoduro is the most artistic among Venice neighborhoods. Many young people and art students gather in the area. Many essential Venice art museums here include Accademia Gallery, Peggy Guggenheim, and Punta della Dogana

It's a perfect itinerary for fans of modern art. Two incredible Venice churches are nearby - Santa Maria della Salute and Santa Maria del Rosario. All these Venice attractions are must-see locations during your stay in Venice. Don't hesitate to use our interactive veniceXplorer Venice map to navigate the gorgeous Venice streets.