il Baicoli

The Baicoli (I Baicoi)

Contributor: Lucia Fanton



These are the most famous Venetian biscuits, widely diffused in the world by the "Colussi" brand. Thin, crunchy and slightly sweet, they are perfect for a sober tea or used instead as a spoon for whipped cream, or dipped in hot chocolate. Offering chocolate to a guest was a sign of distinction in ancient Venice. From the 17th-18th centuries, according to accounts in the comedies of the time. Baicoli the famous Venetian recipe, are also served as an accompaniment to sweet or liqueur wines.

Ingredients of making Baicoli

400 g wheat flour 00
50 g of melted butter
50 g of caster sugar
1 glass of milk
15 g beer yeast

Preparation of making Baicoli

Mix 50 g wheat flour with the yeast dissolved in a little warm milk and leave to rest until doubled in volume. Put the remaining flour mixed with the sugar into a bowl and knead, first with the melted butter and then with slightly lukewarm milk.

Add the mixture to the previously risen bread. Let it rise again in a switched-off oven, together with a saucepan of boiling water, for just over an hour.

Then divide the dough into 6 filled cylinders and bake at 180° for no more than about 15 minutes.

The half-baked loaves should rest on the tray inside the baking paper for 24 hours. Then slice them very thinly and put them in the oven until they are golden brown at about 200°.


Original Venetian Recipe Baicoli

Le confezioni di Baicoli "Colussi", Marca ormai emigrata in altre mani da quelle dei Colussi veneziani, riporta questa poesiola che penso quasi ogni bambino oggi almeo trentenne abbia imparato a memoria:

No gh’è a sto mondo no, più bel biscoto
Più fin, più dolse più lisiero e san
par mogiar ne la cicara o nel goto
Del baicolo nostro venessian.

Non c’è al mondo, no, più bel biscotto
> più fine, dolce, leggero e sano
da intingere alla chicchera o nel gotto
del baicolo nostro veneziano.