Gondolas are a luxury experience, so characteristic of Venice. They are one of the things that made the city so famous. Taking a gondola ride is a must during your stay. It gives you a unique perspective on the city, palazzos, and other Venice attractions. They aren’t for getting around the city but for a pleasurable or romantic tour. Apart from Venetians on their wedding day, gondolas are mostly a touristic adventure.
Gondolas were once essential for transporting people across Venice and the surrounding islands. They also functioned as luxury cabs for the Venetian nobility. Gondoliers are part of the symbolism and mythology of Venice. Their intimate knowledge of the city’s waterways passes on from father to son. It has been a male field for centuries, but since 2014 a few women have joined. All gondoliers speak English and have excellent knowledge about Venice. Do not expect your gondolier to burst into “O Sole Mio,” however. You are most likely to hear the cries of “Oe Premi!” and “Stai!”. These are the warning calls echoing down the Venice canals for centuries. You can also book a serenaded tour online.
There are many gondolas ranks throughout Venice with gondoliers waiting for business. A gondola ride may be costly, but there are a few tips and tricks. Check the official tariffs and agree on a price with a gondolier before boarding. Although there are official prices, most gondoliers are notorious for overcharging. With a gondola ride, there is no shame in bargaining. During the low season, you can negotiate a fee below the official rate and a journey shorter than 45 minutes. Another way of cutting costs is to share a gondola as it seats up to 6 people.
So don’t hesitate! Discover the charm of Venice with a terrific gondola ride along the Grand Canal.