Palazzo Labia

Campo San Geremia 275

The Palazzo Labia is one of Venice's finest examples of baroque architecture. This palace has a unique formal design, rare for the architectural scene of Venice. The palace's interior is luxurious because of the frescoes by Tiepolo, a prominent 18th-century artist. Today the Palazzo Labia is a cultural centre and one of the Venice museums. It occasionally hosts performances, exhibitions, and other events.

How do I get to the Palazzo Labia Museum?

To find Palazzo Labia on the Venice map, look for the Cannaregio neighborhood. Located only a few minutes from Piazzale Roma and Santa Lucia Train Station, it's easy to access by foot. 

You can also arrive by vaporetto and get off at either Guglie or S. Marcuola Casino. You'll have to cross an old Ponte delle Guglie to reach the palace. 

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History of the museum Palazzo Labia Museum

The designers behind the 18th-century Palazzo Labia were Andrea Cominelli and Alessandro Tremignon. The building was the residence of the Labia family. They were wealthy outsiders who bought their way into Venetian aristocratic society. 

The modestly designed facades look out on the Cannaregio Canal and the Grand Canal. The third facade facing the courtyard was the work of Giorgio Massari. The Labia brothers employed Tiepolo to decorate the palace's interior. During the 19th century, the Palazzo Labia deteriorated until 1948. That's when the building got a new owner, Don Carlos de Beistegui. He renovated the building and used its ballroom for impressive high-level parties.

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Why you should visit Palazzo Labia Museum

The interior of the Palazzo Labia is lavish. The rooms feature ornaments, carvings, gilded ceilings, and beautiful frescoes. The most impressive space in the palace is the ballroom. It features gorgeous frescoes by Tiepolo and Girolamo Mengozzi Colonna. 

The entrance hall and the dining room also have frescoes by Tiepolo, depicting scenes from the life of Cleopatra. Inside is the tapestry room with a collection of 18th-century Flemish tapestries. At the Palazzo Labia, visitors can visit the family's private apartments. The most exciting items are the bedroom and the private chapel, also decorated with frescoes.

If you are interested in Venetian art then see our page Venice art Tours

Things to do in the area

In the area near the palace are many great Venice museums. The historic Jewish ghetto, one of the oldest in Europe, is less than 10 minutes away from Palazzo Labia. Make a stop at the Jewish Museum of Venice to learn exciting things about Venetian Jews. Near the ghetto are two Gothic Venice churches - Madonna dell'Orto and Chiesa di Sant'Alvise. To explore further, you can cross Ponte degli Scalzi into Santa Croce. That's where you can enjoy another Venice palazzo - Ca' Pesaro Gallery. When there, check out the Oriental Art Museum in the building and the nearby Natural History Museum.