Leonardo da Vinci Museum Venice

+39 041 8876815
Every Day from 10:30 to 18:00
Campo San Rocco 3052, San Polo 30125 Venice

The Leonardo da Vinci Museum is one of the most modern, interactive, and engaging Venice museum. The exhibition will teach you about Leonardo da Vinci and even allow you to test some of his creations! This museum is very family-friendly and will impress visitors of all ages. 

How to visit the Leonardo da Vinci Museum?

The museum stands in the Scoletta San Rocco, part of the incredible Scuola Grande di San Rocco. One of the prominent Venice churches, Basilica dei Frari, is next to the museum. 

  • How to get to the Leonardo da Vinci Museum?

As to nearly anywhere in Venice, you can arrive by vaporetto. The closest stop is S. Toma, less than 5 minutes from the museum. It is one of the best attractions of the San Polo Venice neighbourhood. You can always use our detailed Venice map to help you navigate better. 

  • How do buy tickets to the Leonardo da Vinci Museum?

One of the options, which we recommend, is to buy an online ticket (around 9 EUR). It lets you enter the museum without the hassle and avoid any possible lines. Another option is to walk into the museum and buy the ticket on the spot. However, remember that there might be waiting lines or limited capacity.

The Leonardo da Vinci is open daily from 10 am to 6:45 pm (check the hours on the museum’s website).

If you want to get the full experience of Venice magic, consider purchasing the Venice City Pass

Brief history of Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Anchiano, a village near Florence, on April 15, 1452. The Florentine genius and artist did a lot more than painting and frescoes. Leonardo da Vinci was a sculptor and a complete master of all the arts of the time. He was also a scientist, an inventor, and a philosopher.

Leonardo da Vinci was the central figure of the Italian Renaissance and one of the greatest exponents of human history. He worked for the sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio and Ludovico Sforza and served families like the Medici of Florence. He died in Amboise, France, in 1519. 

Click History of Venice to learn about the history of Venice

Is it worth visiting the Leonardo da Vinci Museum?

The Leonardo da Vinci Museum is among the most exciting and technological Venice museum. Like the Natural History Museum, it is perfect for visitors of any age. The collection on display has four sections - Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. 

Inside, you can view digital reproductions of his most famous paintings. These are high-resolution, backlit, life-size digital reproductions. Thanks to the elaborate technology, the reproductions are virtually the same as the original. Lady with an Ermine, Virgin of the Rocks, The Last Supper, and The Mona Lisa are a few of his works you can admire. 

Besides, inside the museum, you can enjoy the mechanical machines designed by the Italian genius. The best feature is that you can actually touch and even test these machines, all built according to the Code of Da Vinci.  

Last but not least is the Royal Vinci Commission, established in 1902. It results from thorough work that combines more than 5000 sheets with annotations, drawings, and codices by the master. These are limited edition works with phototypes by Prof. Adolfo Venturi, rarely exhibited to the public. 

If you are interested in Venetian art then see our page Venice art Tours

Things to do in the area

If you check the veniceXplorer Venice map, you’ll see two of the best Venice attractions nearby. They are the Scuola Grande di San Rocco and the Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. Scuola Grande di San Rocco is an icon of the city, often called the Sistine Chapel of Venice. 

The Basilica is a majestic Gothic church. It is a burial site for Doges and artists and home to incredible art by renowned Venice painters. These include Titian, Giovanni Bellini, Palma il Giovane, and others. 

Another Venice church worth a visit is San Pantalon, located a few minutes away in Dorsoduro. It has a plain facade, but you’ll see a magnificent ceiling painting by Giovanni Antonio Fumiani inside. 

Carlo Goldoni’s House stands 5 minutes from the Leonardo da Vinci Museum. It is a house museum of the Italian playwright who played a crucial role in the history of Venice theaters

After all the sightseeing, make a stop at Campo Santa Margherita. It is a popular Venice location with restaurants, bars, and fantastic nightlife. From our local experience, we advise sampling some Cicchetti Veneziani in one of the square’s bacari.