venice vogalonga

Vogalonga is one of the most famous regattas of Venice in Italy. Participating in this massive event is an original way to explore the city.

Vogalonga started as a peaceful event to protest the effect of the motorboats on the city and its surrounding waters.

Today, it is a perfect way to discover and honour Venice traditions. It’s also an impressive sight of about 8000 participants and around 2000 boats of all kinds!

History of Vogalonga

The tradition of Vogalonga goes back to 1974. It was when a group of friends decided to take their small mascarete boats and row as a peaceful protest. They wanted to show their concern about the effect of the motorboats on the city of Venice.

Later, in 1975, the first official event took place. Same as today, back then, it was a 30-kilometer non-competitive race. Many local organizations and press outlets supported Vogalonga at the time.

The first event had 500 boats, and it has grown yearly since then. People from Venice and all over the globe celebrate it on Pentecost Day.

This day is the symbolic marriage day of the Doge and the sea. In 2020, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the event was virtual. For the same reason, in 2021, it was limited to a certain number of boats and rowers.

Route map of Venice Vogalonga

If you’ve always wanted to explore Venice from the water, Vogalonga is a perfect way to do so. You’ll go 30 km along the picturesque and fascinating parts of the city.

To better understand the route, check out our Venice map. It all starts at Bacino San Marco or St. Mark’s Basin.

From there, participants go through Venice’s marvelous canals and some smaller islands. Then they go along Burano and Mazzorbo islands, through Canale di Cannaregio to reach the famous Grande Canal.

They also go through the Rialto area with its iconic Rialto Bridge. The finish line is at one of the best-known Venice churches, Santa Maria della Salute. It is where you can find the Punta della Dogana museum, overlooking the Giudecca Canal.

Logistics of Vogalonga

The logistics of the event are simple and accessible. Anyone 16 years and older can participate with a caregiver’s permission for minors. 

You can register and pay the entrance fee online. The race starts at 9 AM by lifting the oars to salute the holiday. On the way, people sing hymns to St. Mark. And although Vogalonga is not a competition, everybody gets a medal and a participation certificate in the end. 

A few months after, there is a raffle with prizes for those who completed the race. The prizes include plaques, trophies, and other tokens donated by event partners. 

Staying and exploring Venice

Venice is a city known for its celebrations. You’ve probably heard about Regatta Storica, the Venice Biennale, or other city annual events

During these holidays, it might be tricky to find accommodation. We recommend checking our Venice map and planning your stay beforehand. 

We’ve covered all Venice neighborhoods, so you can choose the one that fits you best. You can also see our list of the best attractions, Venice churches, museums, and restaurants

Useful Tips for Vogalonga

Here are some tips for participating in the Vogalonga:

  • Train beforehand: The Vogalonga is a 30-kilometer race, so it's important to be in good physical condition. If you're not a regular rower, start training a few months in advance.
  • Choose the right boat: The type of boat you choose will depend on your experience level and the number of people in your crew.
  • Pack for the weather: The weather in Venice can be unpredictable, so be sure to pack for all conditions. Bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and rain gear. You'll also want to bring plenty of water and snacks to stay hydrated and fueled throughout the race.
  • Bring a small first-aid kit: Pack bandaids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers like ibuprofen or paracetamol to address minor injuries, sunburn, or headaches on the go.
  • Get there early: The Vogalonga is a very popular event, so it's important to get to the starting line early. The race starts at 9:00 am, but you'll want to be there much earlier to find a good spot and get settled in.
  • Respect the environment: The Vogalonga is a celebration of the Venetian Lagoon, so it's important to respect the environment. Don't litter, and be mindful of your noise levels.
  • Learn some basic Italian phrases. This will come in handy if you need to ask for help or directions.

Vogalonga Parking Tips

Since the Vogalonga is a rowing event on water, there's no specific parking for this event. Public transportation by vaporetti (water buses) and traghetti (ferries) is a great option to get around.

Alternatively, you can park at Piazzale Roma (book parking) or Tronchetto Island (book parking) on the mainland and take a shuttle to the city center, but be sure to check for availability and any special arrangements closer to the event date. To avoid transportation hassles altogether, consider staying near the starting point at Riva di Castelnuovo or Bacino di San Marco. Read more about where to park in Venice.

Vogalonga Luggage Storage Tips

As the Vogalonga is a water-related event, there's no on-site luggage storage. However, there are a couple of options you can consider.

  • If you're arriving in Venice by train, you can store your luggage in luggage in lockers at the Venezia Santa Lucia train station. There are several other luggage lockers in Venice. Read more about the luggage lockers in Venice.
  • Several luggage storage services operate in Venice. These services typically allow you to store your luggage for a few hours or even a full day. You can consider to use the luggage storage service of Radical Storage.
  • If you're staying at a hotel in Venice, you may be able to leave your luggage at the hotel before or after the event. Be sure to inquire with your hotel about their policy in advance.

Vogalonga é uma das regatas mais famosas de Veneza, em Itália. Participar neste grande evento é uma forma original de explorar a cidade.

Vogalonga começou como um evento pacífico para protestar contra o efeito dos barcos a motor na cidade e nas suas águas circundantes.

Atualmente, é uma forma perfeita de descobrir e honrar as tradições de Veneza. É também um espetáculo impressionante com cerca de 8000 participantes e cerca de 2000 barcos de todos os tipos!

História da Vogalonga

A tradição da Vogalonga remonta a 1974. Foi quando um grupo de amigos decidiu pegar nos seus pequenos barcos de mascarete e remar como forma de protesto pacífico. Queriam mostrar a sua preocupação com o efeito dos barcos a motor na cidade de Veneza.

Mais tarde, em 1975, teve lugar o primeiro evento oficial. Tal como hoje, na altura, tratava-se de uma corrida não competitiva de 30 quilómetros. Na altura, muitas organizações e órgãos de imprensa locais apoiaram a Vogalonga.

O primeiro evento contou com 500 barcos e, desde então, tem crescido anualmente. As pessoas de Veneza e de todo o mundo celebram-na no dia de Pentecostes.

Este dia é o dia simbólico do casamento entre o Doge e o mar. Em 2020, devido à pandemia do coronavírus, o evento foi virtual. Pela mesma razão, em 2021, foi limitado a um determinado número de barcos e remadores.

Mapa do percurso de Veneza Vogalonga

Se sempre quis explorar Veneza a partir da água, Vogalonga é uma forma perfeita de o fazer. Percorrerá 30 km ao longo das partes pitorescas e fascinantes da cidade.

Para compreender melhor o percurso, consulte o nosso mapa de Veneza. Tudo começa no Bacino San Marco ou na Bacia de São Marcos.

A partir daí, os participantes percorrem os maravilhosos canais de Veneza e algumas ilhas mais pequenas. De seguida, passam pelas ilhas de Burano e Mazzorbo, pelo Canale di Cannaregio para chegar ao famoso Grande Canal.

Passam também pela zona de Rialto, com a sua icónica Ponte de Rialto. A meta situa-se numa das igrejas mais conhecidas de Veneza, Santa Maria della Salute. É onde se encontra o museu Punta della Dogana, com vista para o Canal Giudecca.

Logística da Vogalonga

A logística do evento é simples e acessível. Qualquer pessoa com 16 anos ou mais pode participar com a autorização de um responsável para menores.

A inscrição e o pagamento da taxa de entrada podem ser efectuados online. A corrida começa às 9 horas da manhã, com o levantamento dos remos para saudar o feriado. Durante o percurso, as pessoas cantam hinos a São Marcos. E embora a Vogalonga não seja uma competição, no final todos recebem uma medalha e um certificado de participação.

Alguns meses depois, há um sorteio com prémios para os que completaram a corrida. Os prémios incluem placas, troféus e outros brindes doados por parceiros do evento.

Ficar e explorar Veneza

Veneza é uma cidade conhecida pelas suas celebrações. Provavelmente já ouviu falar da Regatta Storica, da Bienal de Veneza ou de outros eventos anuais da cidade.

Durante estas férias, pode ser difícil encontrar alojamento. Recomendamos que consulte o nosso mapa de Veneza e planeie a sua estadia com antecedência.

Cobrimos todos os bairros de Veneza, para que possa escolher o que mais lhe convém. Também pode ver a nossa lista das melhores atracções, igrejas de Veneza, museus e restaurantes